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"When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”

United Humanity

Some people live their lives in the hope of fulfilling their dreams and this may lead to acts of desperation. Hope is a desire, which can be negative and self-destructive if not balanced with realistic expectations, for example, the desire to become rich. This is a dream we all have but it can lead an individual and families to ruins if this desire cannot be attained. There are many ways hope can be interpreted such as one of the dictionary describes as a feeling that nothing bad should happen. We often say that I hope I am not late for work, or I hope that all goes well.

We are making huge efforts, by not accepting what is truly happening in the moment we are wishing and trying to make our problems go away with hope.

We must be aware that hope can become delusional so we must guard ourselves and be hopeful in moderation as hope and despair sometimes do go hand in hand. We live in the present and hope is always of the future. We must abandon the future and start to live in the moment. The beauty of life is in the rejoicing the small things we experience. When we live in the moment then the desire of hope exists no more. Some people wait and hope that good things will happen in their life whilst the world around them is becoming more intellectual and intelligent but their misery is still carrying on. It may be true to say that sometimes rather than living in hope it may be better of accepting the situation to find some stability. Even if we wish to live in hope, and hope by its very nature is a future expectation then at what point would we say that my vessel of hope is full and I am now content?

Please remember that Hope is a very fine shroud, which separates us from our reality.

We should realise that hope is not always our colleague as it may be false hope and may be our adversary. If hope comes with no effort then we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. As positive a driving force as hope may be, it is important to realise that effort must be part of hope for success. We should realise that nothing will change, and our issues will remain the same tomorrow as they are today, and you can go on missing what you could achieve without the application of sustained efforts alongside hope.

For hope to work for us we must have a strong support structure around us whether that is in form of a solid family, some strong friends or your faith in your religious text. For some hope becomes a real emotional bondage, and people who live in hope sometimes do not live in reality. We should remember, hope could stop us from making purposeful and positive decisions. So Hope should always be based on the likelihood of success. Hopeful people will always live a life based on positive outcomes.

Then there is the act of hope coming from optimism. In optimism hope is based simply on confidence, confidence is based on the making of the efforts however although this hope may feel correct and is rightly so, however the outcome of both types of hope will be no more than an expectation.

Hope in the correct manner is achieving the results required after taking all relevant factors into the equation and coming out with a realistic scenario.

We should realise that there is difference between faith and hope. Faith is the belief in correct and virtuous things whilst hope is having a strong and positive outlook towards the future.

The values of true hope will give us joy and peace, strength and courage, power to fight and become resilient and hope gives endurance. Hope provides us comfort in the final stages of our life.

We cannot carry our self on the chariot of hope without the determination of a horse. Without the horse, the chariot will go nowhere. We must never lose hope as without hope we are nothing. We must carry hope with us daily and only then will life follow. Life without hope will be dark and difficult. A heart without hope will be like a barren piece of land. Every morning when we first experience the warmth of the morning sun we must also feel hope within those rays. The road to our inner peace is only complete when we have hope. We are totally confused and entangled within ourselves and with determination and hope we can find the stability that we all so crave. We hope for the next birthday, we hope for the next Christmas, we hope to see the smile of our loved ones when they are in pain. Hope strengthens our soul.

Within us, we carry so much potential to give hope and encouragement to others.

What hope means,

Hope is bright shining light which keeps darkness at the bay, Hope is gentle cold breeze on a hot summer day.

Hope is to remain positive when going gets tough, hope is seeking more when others think you had enough.

What hope means,

Hope is dreaming of tomorrow, Hope is simmering under sorrow.

Hope is sparkles when tears in our eyes, Hope is a beautiful thing & beautiful things never dies.

What hope means,

Hope is as light as a feather, Hope keeps all of us together.

Hope is ubiquitous and free of cost, hope is the last thing ever lost.


United Humanity


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