What are thoughts and how do they affect us?
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
It is said that actions of our past living are stored as memories in our brain. Everything that we experience and see is automatically stored unconsciously in our memories. Our mind will continue with the process of storage whilst in automatic pilot mode, in an instinctive manner, much like a system restore on our computers. Due to this habituation of our mind, we start to build our definitive patterns of behaviours and perceptions. These interpretations, perceptions and judgments arise as thoughts in the mind, and they can be positive or negative depending on the state of our mind at that moment. Our thoughts are generated in many ways, such as the events of the past, expectations of the future, as well as the present. In essence, our mind is a database of positive and negative thoughts operating in the past, present and the future. Negative thoughts by their very nature work on a base line of stress, anxiety, worry, guilt, anger, resentfulness and other negative emotions that we experience. These negative thoughts as they manifest themselves and if left unchecked can lead to towards mental suffering which in some cases may affect our physical health.
Virtue and vice do not come by mere words. Actions and thoughts repeated, over and over again, become our habits and are engraved into our destiny.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Our Thoughts will allow us to grow and develop in the most amazing way and equally can destroy us. To develop the inspiration to achieve, thoughts must be based on a deep understanding above the ability to rationalize.
We can all have thoughts that may give us a feeling that we know things that are on the surface, but an enriched thought will have much more understanding in depth. Therefore, a thought that gives you a sense of understanding can be very dangerous, unless that understanding of the thought you wish to listen to comes from a much more profound contemplation. False encouragement and polished words are no more than an illusion that we witness when we see a magician perform an act on the stage.
Some people will become ill-informed because they are under the hypnotic spell of ego thinking know when in fact they simply do not.
A single thought arising from the association with wise and inspired individuals, who demonstrates the ability to change their own lives, will be far more enriching for our personal development, than mere polished words.
We have not realised the wealth of the power of the pure thought. Its value cannot be appraised but simply enjoyed.
We should learn from our own experiences and learn to cultivate from our understandings the positive thoughts and to neglect the negative thoughts. We must not reflect on thoughts which do not concern us, we will waste good energy and waste precious time. There is far more enrichment in a single positive thought we develop and act upon, as opposed to simply listening to positive and decorated words from others. Insincere polished words are no more than an illusion given to us by disingenuous people and the thoughts arising from these are like an hypnotic spell but ultimately are no more than a lie. As a magician that is performing an act on the stage is no more than an illusion, similarly, our thoughts will give us a sense of false understanding and security if we do not sit and listen to the company of the inspired and wise people.
We should remember thoughts inspired by wisdom are far more valuable than thoughts from our intellect. There are many intellectuals in this world with polished thoughts and words, but very few people who think and share from wisdom. Intellectual thought can be developed from reading many books but wisdom comes from a much deeper place.
Even if false and negative thoughts are practiced a hundred times under an illusion of self-righteousness, they will still be false in their effects.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Negative thoughts will prevent us from experiencing the joy of love and will be a great hindrance in our life. When we give credence and attention to our negative thoughts, we are in fact empowering them to run and ruin our life. In other words, our attention and focus on our negative thoughts provides more fuel for these to become stronger and in this way, our thoughts start to gather momentum and energy creating more misery. So logic states for us not to fuel our negative thoughts however this is easier said than done.People in general have gone far from the reality that we are all one and by creating this distance we have disappeared into the domain of anger, prejudice and pain.
We define our thoughts through the company that we keep and the environment in which we are raised. “For us to be happy, it is essential that we try to become positive, appreciative and joyful in our thoughts. Again, positive thoughts will give us positive momentum returning us from our misery to stability. If we can understand the mind processes’ and the thought, then, we will start to regain some control over our thoughts. There are a few methods that we can practice to try to influence some positive thoughts such as:
To make an active decision that for a whole day that we will not refuse to help someone else. Make an effort to do something worthwhile. Spend a day in silence, resist any arguments, try to listen more often and not to complain.
In this manner, we can start the process of clearing our mind of the useless rubbish we have stored and which is creating no end of problems. We can try to be considerate with family, friends, and colleagues for a day, to be kind, humble and honest and avoid inconsiderate living. Maybe try to help someone else rather than expecting help.
We should remember that thoughts are like relentless waves that do not rest
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
We should aspire to create within us a fountain of positive thoughts by which we should live. We all have strengths that we can work to. Therefore, working to our positive strengths should be a progressive decision that we should make and abide by. Positive thoughts will harmonize within and around us. We will be far more creative, live a higher degree of stress free living and develop far healthier relationships with the ones who we love and care for. We will reduce our negativity within us and in this way make a very positive contribution to society.
We have not realised the wealth of the power of the pure thought. Its value cannot be appraised but simply enjoyed.
We should consistently make efforts to understand the power of our thoughts and our spoken words. Staying in silence would be far wiser than arguing with a foolish person.For in our thoughts and words will lie all our weaknesses and our strengths.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Remember our thoughts will become our words; our words will become our actions, our actions will. Become our habits, our habits will become our values, and our values will become our destiny.
United Humanity