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“Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday. To everyone is given the key to happiness. The same key opens the gates of despair.”


In life, we complain many a time about the attitudes of people and how they affect the peace inside us. We have the ability to be so positive and strong, yet we tend to be dictated by the wrong attitudes that we carry and receive. Our attitude creates no end of problems in our lives. Our attitude deprives us of the joy and fun we could have in life. We have attitude issues with people’s belief, colour of the skin and the list is endless.

We need to be vigilant, of the behaviour of our attitude. Our attitude can and will destroy everything we hold dear in our lives. Please remember the five golden rules that will improve our attitude and give us much happiness because attitudes are what we decide not what we are

1) Free your heart from animosity

2) Free your mind from apprehensions

3) Live modestly

4) Give more

5) Expect less

We can actively choose to be positive or negative. In other words, we can view the glass half-full or empty. Is it possible to have selfish negative attitude and be happy? No, it is not possible, and a positive active choice has to be implemented. This must be a determined choice, our active choice. We need to choose and to be enthusiastic with the right attitude.

As humans, we have to reflect responsibility when we exercise choice in our lives. Bad habits and negative thoughts are like a disease, which can be caught through default through the company of the wrong people. To develop and build strength requires more than company it requires effort. For example, I cannot build muscles like a body builder through association alone. I will get inspiration from them, but only the positive action of going to the gym and working hard will give me the physical result that I desire. Ironically, catching a disease requires no effort at all. A few minutes in the company of an infected person is all that is needed to succumb to the illness.

We do not need to live with bad habits and attitudes. Our negative thoughts if they are nurtured long enough will become our reality. No situation in our life will improve if our attitude does not improve. Therefore, to work on our attitude is vital for a happier living.

Why live your life on a roundabout of bad attitudes?

Sometimes, even when somebody does something fantastic for us we simply cannot appreciate it. There is a little story, which I hope may put this into some sort of context and help us to understand what a great attitude is. It is important that we start appreciating the little things in our lives and respect all that we have in life, which we tend to take for granted.

A blind girl hated herself, just because she was unsighted. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend, who was always there for her. She said, that if she if could only see the world she would marry her boyfriend. One day someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her now that you can see the world will you marry me? The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears and later wrote a letter to her saying just take care of my eyes dear.

Anonymous author

Do not curse the ignorance in others. Do not worship the ignorance inside yourself. Learn to light a small candle that is far better. Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not, through our actions and states of our mind because we are so deeply interconnected. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing we should be doing at all times. In addition, understanding and giving love unconditionally is the supreme creative act, which will light up our world. Remember; let us adjust our attitude and vision.

A businessperson was highly critical of his competitors shop front windows. He would continually question, ‘Why do they have the dirtiest windows in town?’ Fellow business people grew tired of the man’s continual criticism nit picking comments about their windows. One day over coffee, the businessperson carried the subject just too far. Before leaving a fellow store owner suggested the man gets his own windows washed. He followed the advice, and the next day at coffee, he exclaimed, ‘I can’t believe it as soon as I washed my windows my competitors must have cleaned theirs too’ .You should see them shine’. Have a right mind set look at your weaknesses before judging others.

Anonymous author

The stillness of the sea is below the torrent of waves, the silence of space is beyond the turbulence of gravity as we break through the atmosphere. In the same way the stillness and the awareness of oneself is beyond the torrent of our ego and expectation. We need to live our life in that state of awareness.

In life, we blame others for their attitudes we all sometime take the view that because I gave them a present or I went to see their new born child or indeed in their hour of need when they needed me I was there for them, but they showed no appreciation so therefore I would not be doing anymore for them. We must keep up with our attitude to help others without any return of appreciation. We can easily shut our hearts to others, as that is our nature.

You should listen to somebody that is refraining you from doing or saying something that will hurt someone’s feelings, that will be in our best interest. Remember that we are all in pursuit of happiness and the mistake we make is that we fail to realise that we are happiness through default. Happiness is part of us it will always be part of us, and we will never separate from it. Nobody can steal joy and happiness from us. Live to day with the right attitude, as the future is an expectation as the past may have been a wasted opportunity

A good attitude will only focus on the task and not waste its energy in fruitless thoughts. If you think about your unhappiness, you will achieve the sum result of greater unhappiness so we must learn to be positive. In addition, we must refrain from picking other people’s burdens by entertaining their negative thoughts or behaviours. If we must feel the need to socialise, make a positive decision that you will spend as much time as possible with aspiring and positive people and reduce your company with negative minded people. Our life is but a moment on earth and by being aware of the fragility of our life and how it is passing us, then surely it must make sense to be positive and cherish the moment. There is one thing we should learn to master and that is as humans we will get angry but how angry we get and how we release that anger will require maturity and the right attitude. A good attitude will have the ability to recognise one’s emotions and have a strategy in place to manage that issue. In addition, a good attitude will at all times avoid conflict and if ever placed in a difficult situation will have the skills to avoid that conflict. Furthermore, sometimes having the right attitude will mean stepping into someone’s shoes for a moment and see where that person is coming from. A good attitude will make humour in difficult situation to reduce the stress of managing a person with a bad attitude.

United Humanity


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