Oneness is the force that binds us all together so whilst still being able to perceive the richness in diversity we are still one. This force of one-ness is a force of good and that good can express itself in any way, in any language, in any age, in any geographical location it wishes. This force has the power to change the world we live in.
The question I ask myself is, who am I and what are my roles and obligations towards the thought of universal brotherhood?
Why are there so many religions if we are all one?
What is oneness?
Upon entering the world, our parents do not delay in defining relationships. We are told that he is your brother; she is your sister and so on. We develop our feelings in these relationships, and our feelings then give life to our world. As we get older, we become more aware and within this process, we begin to experience duality, ego, pride. How often have we walked into a hospital and seen someone seriously ill? Other than carrying the the attitude of feeling sorry for them, we do not experience the feelings of sadness to the point we would if one of our loved ones was in a similar situation.
Through this existence, we go through the stages of happiness and unhappiness. We live simply to pleasure our mind and senses. We get happy with one event and deeply sad with another that occurs in life. We are part of a process where our body ascends and descends, therefore we live a cycle of progression and regression in our mortal form however, our spirit is an energy that is permanent.
Beyond the flesh and blood, we are part 0f the oneness and this connection is the common bond in all of us which binds us together. Quantum physics states that we all are made of the same stardust at the point of the creation of the earth. The power of our human oneness can be demonstrated when we see a natural tragedy unfold in front of us and how people of all denominations unite to help. At that point, whatever religion you belong to, whatever beliefs you are born with you, you will have your own enigmatic path, so follow that path with sincerity, passion, purpose and love without judging others, and simply open your arms to help those in need, this need could be physical or emotional.
We are like a pearl in an oyster shell, and it will not matter how much damage the oyster shell endures within the danger of the deep sea, the pearl inside the shell remains pure.
In a similar manner, our body is the oyster shell, the deep sea is our world, and the love and peace inside us is the pearl. Whatever our physical and emotional being endures within the torrents of pain living in this world, the peace and love should be like a pearl and should not be damaged and remain pure.
As individuals, we often find it difficult to feel and experience oneness simply because of the desire we have to express our free will. One thing is a fact that we are made of the same dust as the stars, and that we share the same humanity, and we are all children of one common destiny.
We are all diverse, different in nature and habits however our circumstances are different, so our starting point in life will be different. We may not have the answers to all our questions however, one thing is for sure that we all share the same humanity and we share the one universal consciousness.
We must remember that the force of the one essence is in all, and that our challenge as members of the human race is to realise that we are also part of that same essence that exists in all, and then implementing this understanding into our actions should be of paramount importance.
Regardless of the type of diet we have or the taste in food we prefer, the result of eating our food should be beneficial for our body, mind and soul. In a similar way, whatever our religious denomination or cultural background, the understanding of this, should lead us to develop the true awakening of our consciousness and actions of unity.
We should remember that:
If there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person, There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house, There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, There will be peace in the world.
This world is neither the truth nor a lie, but is the shadow of the truth. When we stand in the sun, we see our shadow is that the real us? It is part of us; it moves with us; it is our reflection, but it is not us.
We should remember that the laws of awareness and consciousness bind us all. Our relationships, our interactions, our environment are inextricably bound together by the laws of our togetherness.
We have the ability and the choice to do good or bad. The choices that we make will decide our future. The company we keep is a result of the choices we have exercised so whatever choice we make, will affect the outcomes for our life, so choose wisely and embrace the beauty of the oneness of the universal brotherhood.
The world that we live in is a projection and reflection of our views, habits and thoughts. Sadly, we have forgotten who we really are. We have identified our existence in a very superficial manner, so to feel wanted and accepted in society.
What we have done is defined our self in many different ways such as, I am Indian, I am British, I am a Sikh, I am Muslim, I am a Christian, I am a Buddhist I am a Hindu, I am an atheist or indeed I am simply religious but not attached to any religious establishment. In this manner we have given identities to ourselves that divide us, and these division creates duality, hostility, superiority, and frustration within us and around us
As the soot, dirt, and ash rained down, we became one colour.
As we carried each out of the burning building, we became one class.
As we lit the candles of hope and waiting, we became one generation.
As we fell on our knees to pray for strength, we became one faith.
As we whispered word of encouragement, we spoke one language
As we gave blood standing in one line, we became one body.
As we mourned together in a tragedy, we became one family.
As we cried in tears with grief, we became one soul.
As we tell re -stories of sacrifice, we become one people
We are one colour, one class, one generation, one faith, one language, one body, one family, one soul, one people; we become a total of one-ness.
United Humanity