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Mood is like a boat without its anchor, it just keeps being swayed in whatever direction the waves are coming from.

We are all boats travelling over this ocean of life but is there are a better way to sail it? We all come across obstacles but how is that some people sail so smoothly whilst others keep crashing and have no control over their direction? We are all given a chance of human life and we are all given the ability to chose how we live it. When I say live it, in a practical sense I mean, how we respond to life. There are those who wish not to leave their hometown yet there are those who travel the world. Who is the one living? The one who is at peace and this can be either. Peace is not found outside it's internal to each of each us. When one is not stable within they tend to live their life based on their mood and can be swayed in whatever direction their mind takes them. One day you're eager to do something the're no longer interested. One minute you're in love with someone the next day, not so much.

Think of how much time we waste by not being in the mood. So many of us regret not doing things when we had the chance." I should have travelled when I was 20". "I should have bought that car". However, there is no need to regret or to look back. All we have is now. Who says you cant travel now or buy that car. Lets stop creating barriers for ourselves. We have to tackle the effects of mood to help live our life to our fullest. Lets make a change today...... We can do this….KEEP READING!

It's not to say someone can not have a bad mood. But if it's effecting ones life and even others around you, then it needs to be tackled. Example, had a bad day at work. You now bring that bad mood home and take it out on the family. And now everyone else is feeling it and it only makes your mood worse. What we plant is what we grow so don't let negativity take over you. If a bad crop gets into your field it can also affect the surrounding crops. This is the same with our actions, what we are is whats reflected into this universe. So lets make it one filled with love, compassion, humility… step at a time though!

The reason why one needs to understand their mood is because it can prevent you from moving forward, whatever forward may be for us. And its more the negative moods which is important here since this is what's preventing us from experiencing life at its fullest. Negativity can come from many places. It can come from a failing business, disruption or loss in the family, stuck in a closed relationship, childhood traumas, negative comments from people around you. It is understandable that any one of these things can make you feel low but without truly reflecting on them they will only hold you down. We can live for years mentally reliving these events and never really understand that they are teaching us something. For example, you may have a desire for a new business but knowing that you failed before all those feelings come back. We start projecting the future and our mind will tend to draw on our past experiences and grab the negatives with more strength. The fact is, the mind likes negativity because its comfortable and its easy. Once negativity becomes your natural mind-set you wont have the desire to do anything since it will tell you the end result is failure. Once negativity comes in you become lazy…..dead almost. This is the difference between positivity and negativity, one creates the other destroys.

So our mood is a reflection of our mind-set. As human beings we like to be in control of whatever we are doing and we tend to lean to what is most comfortable. When things don’t work out we can either give up or pick ourselves up. When we associate ourselves with negativity then it’s the negativity that will control you and thus you no longer have control of your life. We can set as many goals as we wish in life but unless we get over our mood we will fall at the first hurdle. The key to remember is that its all a choice. You can give in to emotion and never move again or you can push through whatever is holding you back and see what is on the other side. Its all a choice!

I see mood as being the easy way out. We give our self too many negative thoughts and emotions preventing us from doing things or liking something. This can become infectious once you dwell too much on the negatives. It acts as a barrier in your life and can lead to a stagnant life style. You will tend to look at the negatives or make up potential negative scenarios preventing yourself from doing something. Worst of all, the mind loves this and the more you feed it the more it will control you. You will become so one with your negative thoughts you wont even know that you're being controlled by your mind.

Know that, whatever value we give our thoughts, then that is what we will become.

“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always got. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.” Mind Quote

So what is the point of mood?! When we become overwhelmed by one type of action and its associated emotion we become attached to it. However, it takes us of balance and it doesn’t allow us to see clearly the bigger picture. For example, someone who drinks alcohol my find a sense of pleasure once consumed a certain amount. However, the mind, if not understood, will tend to keep thriving off that feeling. You then began to drink more and more until now you are at a state of submission to the alcohol. You no longer have control. So the same can be said for positive and negative feeling, too much may not actually be a good thing. So instead of letting our mind and emotions take control of us, we need to first be balanced. Balanced so that we can distinguish between what is good for us and what is not. Please read our blog on "Finding a balance in life" for more detailed insight. Once we are balanced there is no place for mood, we will begin to use our thoughts and emotions as tools to guide our actions, rather than let them guide us.

So how do we tackle this mood......

It all starts from within. Just like anything in life it takes commitment, practise, time and effort. Rome wasn't built over night.

Try and people with similar interests and have a positive outlook on life, more importantly a balanced life style. Reflect on life and your behaviour. Understand your mood and as soon as you get to the mind set off "I'm not in the mood to do that" capture that thought. Why have you said that? What has triggered it? A bad past experience or are you making up negative scenarios to prevent yourself from doing it? Take small steps.

Channel your energy to what is helping you grow as a person . Even if it doesn't work move onto the next thing.......find what TRUTH serves you. But its important you put the energy in only then will you know if something is good for you or not. Drop any negative feeling you may have and just move through it. This maybe hard at first, but our feelings are like clouds, they come and go. If you're known to create so many barriers for yourself then even if something is really good for you is looking you straight in the eye, you may still not see it. We need to be awake and aware of our surroundings. Take every scenario as a lesson to develop yourself and you will find a more positive perspective on life…..

United Humanity



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