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Through ignorance, unknowingly we seize and hold onto our bad characteristics and only through awareness will we free our self. What is...
LIFE BEYOND WORRY Worry is a thin stream of fear, trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other...
THE PUZZLE OF THE HUMAN EGO The word ego generally refers to an exaggerated sense of self-importance, which usually results in an...
Bad Habits (Part 1)
“When should I begin to acquire good habits?” a young boy asked his learned teacher. “How old are you?’ inquired the teacher. “Eight...
Self Control
Self-control is the translation of the Greek word ‘enkrateia’, which means “possessing power and strong. Having the ability to align our...
Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has. It is the quality of being thankful, a readiness to show appreciation...
“Bitterness” is from the Greek word pikria. A word which is only found in the four New Testament passages. Every negative emotion bears...
Dealing with Jealousy
When you see your neighbour or colleague or friend eat a buttered bread while you eat yours dry – DO NOT ENVY him or her. Sikh Holy...
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